How to buy Dash (DASH)

One of the most prestigious world cryptocurrencies Dash (DASH) appeared in 2014. However, Dash (DASH) is not only a cryptocurrency but also a payment system of the same name created based on blockchain technology.
Previously, Dash (DASH) was called xCoin and Darkcoin. The two-level Dash system got its name from the abbreviation “Digital Cash”.
Dash worked as an open-source system. It makes it possible to constantly improve the quality of both the payment system and crypto money.
The senior developer of the payment system and crypto coins Evan Duffield created Dash as a fork of Bitcoin. The Dash code is similar to the Bitcoin code, however, Dash has several advantages over BTC.
Unlike Bitcoin, Dash (DASH) is completely anonymous. The Dash system is decentralized; the release of new coins is possible thanks to mining.
By the end of 2017, Dash entered the TOP 10 popular cryptocurrencies in terms of capitalization.
Every investor has a question about how to buy Dash (DASH). You can:
- mine Dash;
- buy it on the exchange;
- buy it at a cryptocurrency exchange point.
Dash coins (DASH) are available to residents of North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia. Dash crypto ATMs are located in many countries, including Russia, Ukraine.
For those who are not yet ready to buy Dash, you can try to mine coins.
However, since in 2016, Dash mining has become profitable only for mining with special ASIC miners. Crypto enthusiasts mine DASH coins using CPU processors and video cards, but this method is not economically attractive.
Due to its high capitalization and excellent liquidity, Dash can be easily bought on the exchange. Dash is exchanged for another cryptocurrency or fiat money.
How to buy Dash (DASH) on the exchange
Dash (DASH) is most often bought on exchanges that have a reputation for being highly reliable. These are Binance, Bitfinex, Huobi, Kraken, EXMO, Changelly, Shapeshift.
Here is a list of exchanges where it is possible to buy
Before buying, it is recommended to study the cost of services and find out which exchange rate is more profitable. Promoted exchanges such as Binance offer more expensive services.
To save money, you can use the services of a cryptocurrency exchange point.
Dash: purchase algorithm
The first step is to create a crypto wallet. A cryptocurrency wallet is a special software for access to all investor’s coins. The Dash wallet was created in the image of the Bitcoin Core Wallet QT, but it has been modernized and equipped with new features.
The owner of the Dash wallet can conduct transactions while remaining completely anonymous. Transactions in this system are instant and extremely secure.
Transaction history is stored on the blockchain.
Crypto wallets can be hot and cold. Hot crypto wallets are always connected to the Internet. They provide ongoing access to cryptocurrencies. Hot crypto wallets are designed to store small amounts.
For large savings, cold wallets would be suitable. These are services that store large amounts of large investors. They work offline and are the most protected against hacking.
Besides, in 2017, the management of Dash announced a grand campaign: 60 thousand hackers were to test the payment system and find its weakest points. Since then, the system has been periodically tested for hacking.
To improve the blockchain technology, Dash, together with the ASU Engineering School at the University of Arizona, created a special laboratory. Now, owners of Dash coins can sleep peacefully, their crypto money is reliably protected.
If you use a computer, the Dash Electrum Dash Wallet or Dash Core wallet will suit you. If you need a wallet rich in functionality, you should choose Dash Core, which is designed for Mac, Windows, Linux.
Hardware Dash wallets will provide security for crypto coins of the investor. Their production is carried out by Trezor, Ledger, KeepKey.
There are mobile Dash wallets. They are designed for iOS, Android, iPhone.
Android and iOS owners download the Jaxx app to buy Dash coins. For iPhone, Dash Wallet is available.
Dash coins can be purchased for fiat money using a bank transfer or ATM.
On the commercial BitPanda platform, available only to residents of Europe, it is possible to purchase Dash coins with a credit card (Skrill account, Sepa or Sofort transfer).
On the Kraken exchange, Dash is bought by bank transfer, dollars or euros are used.
AnyCoinDirect accepts Sepa transfers.
Dash ATMs, which are installed in all corners of the globe, allow you to buy a cryptocurrency for cash.
How to sell Dash (DASH)
How can you sell Dash (DASH)? It is easy. The Internet is filled with information about platforms for the profitable exchange of electronic crypto coins. Often, even status platforms do not offer favorable conditions for the exchange, or simply there is a shortage of cryptocurrencies.
Residents of Eastern Europe can use This crypto platform offers favorable conditions.
If the trader cannot find favorable conditions now, he can do it a bit later on BestChange. At the very least, you can exchange using transit currency.