How to invest in Ethereum

The crypto market is still growing rapidly, and Ethereum is still a good place to start your investing career. Of course, it all depends on what kind of trader you are and whether you can keep a leveled head, see complex patterns and so forth. But even then, a good lasting investment in ETH will be profitable.
Given that there are still countless users who want to trade in crypto but don’t know where to start this article is as relevant as ever. Let’s get to the bottom of it all together, then.
Investing in ETH
It’s important to keep in mind that crypto changes price very rapidly and almost chaotically. Investing is a risky business. Even so, you shouldn’t abandon ship and sell all your ETH whenever something expected happens. Trust into ETH whatever happens.
Ethereum is not a one-time plaything – the biggest profits are made with lasting investments. This coin is tightly connected to the growth of the crypto market, and not just because it’s still new and growing itself. It’s also what many crypto-oriented projects use to fuel their activities and their own tokens.
Secondly, it is also among the 3 cryptocurrencies used by individuals and companies to make pay for stuff.
In addition to these, there are currently new Blockchain networks in development. As new improvements with Ethereum itself are thrown in the fold, it will ensure the cryptocurrency is ahead of the pack then these networks are free for public use.
Let’s keep it simple: making profit off ETH requires being active on the market. This way, you’ll be able to amass more money. The market is volatile, as you know. But it also means more chances to benefit from price fluctuations.
For instance, you could try buying ETH low and selling high. That’s all about timing and seeing the patterns of consecutive drop and rises. Wise is the trader who knows how to make moves.
For instance, if you decided to invest into Ethereum in Jan 2018 and remembered about it the year after, your profits would be 2500%. Afterward, you can observe the trend and decide when to reiterate the success.
Decide Where to Buy Ethereum
Purchasing ETH using real money requires you to seek help from crypto exchanges. There are several trustworthy ones, including:
- Coinbase
- CoinMama
Choose whichever appeals to you more and then join them to start buying the precious coin.
To then get a hold of your hard-won ETH, you’ll have to withdraw the coin from your exchange’s wallet to your own Ether wallet using the public key or address.
Buying with Crypto
It’s also possible to buy ETH using other coins. The already familiar exchanges will be happy to help. Here, you can trade any crypto you already have for Ethereum with ease. There are several most renowned exchanges that allow it:
- Binance
Since ETH is such a popular coin, there are tons of other currencies that can be redeemed for it, and you can do without compromising your privacy, too. Furthermore, these exchanges in particular are very populated, so whenever you buy or sell ETH, there’s almost no delay. The interfaces are also highly user-friendly, which means you can grasp how the exchange works very fast.
Naturally, using these exchanges isn’t purely advantageous. Some struggle with providing adequate transaction systems, others compromise the security of their users in many ways.
Simply enough, you would need to store Ether in cryptocurrency wallets.
Decide How to Store Ethereum
These wallets are likened to bank accounts. The many types of these wallets have varying levels of security:
Non-digital wallets are reportedly the safest to use. For instance, you can set up a bunch of private keys and only store them on a piece of paper. This way, you can’t be hacked, unless someone steals the paper from you.
You can also store your private keys on a special device not connected to cloud and the wider digital world. The only trusty way to hack through one is, once again, steal it physically.
There are also wallet applications that can be stored on the desktop. They are also quite hard to hack because of their isolation from any networks, but do consider protecting it with firewalls or antivirus software.
Net wallets (aka ‘hot wallets’) are connected to one network or the other, meaning they are likeliest to be hacked. That said, they can be very hard to crack open if you care to set up protective measures.
Make Your Purchase With Ethereum
Ethereum’s ability to confirm transactions is top tier. It is fast in that confirmation of purchases made through the cryptocurrency can be done in less than a minute in most cases.
There are a number of merchants in the market that accepts Ethereum as payment. Some of the mainstream ones are:
- Overstock – General shopping
- – General shopping, again
- – Hosting
- Chicago Gem Shop – Precious gems
- 1000 EcoFarms – Agriculture products
For you to be able to make purchases with ETH, getting a few gateway payment solutions would be nice. Here are the most effective of them:
- CoinPayments
- ethPay
- Pay With Ether
Manage Your Investment in Ethereum
It’s important to understand how crypto is managed before trying to trade. Here’s what you could consider:
- Research!
Try looking online for the more specific information about ETH that interests you in particular. Look for expert advice from actual financial advisors who had had the experience with crypto and ETH specifically.
- Make Baby Steps
Spend only a small amount on buying and trading Ethereum. As it is not regulated by the government, it can easily be manipulated by shady individuals who can remain anonymous in the online community.
- Don’t Go All-Out in Just One Place
It would be wise to not just invest money in one cryptocurrency. There is simply no guarantee of rewards. As such, you can protect your investment by buying various digital coins.
- Use a Wallet You Can Rely On
As discussed previously, there are 5 kinds of wallets you can choose from. It is up to you what you think would prove beneficial for your investment conduct and speed.
- Patience is Key
Seeing the returns of investment take time. As such, it is advised that you do not to feel disheartened when your investments don’t churn out positive results in the beginning.
Conclusion: Invest in Ethereum Today!
So, Ethereum is still a gold mine waiting to be opened. However, an interested party must look into facets such as purchasing venues, exchanges, wallets for storage, and what needs to be considered in investment management. At the end of the day, the investor is still king in deciding how investments will turn out, not the nature of Ethereum which he or she had decided to invest in.