How to buy TomoCoin (TOMO)

How can I become a successful investor? How can I get rich? How can I secure my financial independence? Common questions among novice investors
One effective way is to invest in cryptocurrency. Investing in TomoCoin (TOMO) tokens can be very successful as the TomoCoin (TOMO) project is young and very promising.
Why should you invest in TomoCoin (TOMO)?
TomoChain (TOMO) is one of the most promising projects in the field of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. TomoCoin is a second-generation blockchain project that supports architecture based on the open-source Ethereum code created by famous VitalikButerin.
What does it mean?
The TomoCoinblockchain has joined the Ethereumblockchain. And now, in a newly developed high-tech architecture, it is possible to maintain first-generation blockchains (like Bitcoin) and second-generation blockchains at the same time.
Thanks to this construction, transactions between nodes are executed in a split second. Therefore, TomoCoin investors are in a better position in this respect compared to the old generation of cryptocurrency investors.
An extensive system of masternodes and services functions based on the Proof Authority protocol. As a result, commission fees for financial services are significantly reduced.
TomoCoin (TOMO) tokens are the “fuel” for the functioning of a fully decentralized system of blockchain, operating under the auspices of ReplyBlock. ReplyBlock has united such powerful projects as Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitch. It is also supported by Android, iOS.
Thus, the ReplyBlock service is a kind of public library where free content is available. You have to pay the authors of the content to view it.
Information about TOMO
The head office of TomoChain (TOMO) is located in the Republic of Singapore. The team is based in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Long Vuong is the CEO of TomoCoin. Son Nguyen is the technical director. Le Ho is the IT director. Tung Hoang is a project manager, full-stack developer, open-source designer.
The total number of TomoCoin coins is 100 million. TomoCoin (TOMO) tokens are supported by ERC 20 wallets.
TomoChain (TOMO) tokens can be purchased on platforms of such exchanges like Binance, KuCoin, Trading with TomoCoin tokens is most active on KuCoin as well as on Changelly.
TomoCoin’s market capitalization is $36,507,248. The starting price for TomoCoin tokens was $0.25. The maximum price of TomoCoin was recorded on July 5, 2019. On that day, the price of TomoCoin reached $0.787. The minimum value of TomoChain was recorded on December 7, 2018. The tokens were traded at $0.1618.
Where to store TomoCoin (TOMO)
TomoChain (TOMO) can be stored on ERC 20 wallets. It is also possible to store tokens using or TomoWallet created by the development team for the TomoCoin project. Tomo Wallet can also be storage for Ethereum.
Where and how to buy (TOMO)
You can buy TomoCoin on KuCoin or Binance, or by purchasing transfer currency (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Civic).
Before buying TomoCoin, it is recommended to calculate the price online using USD, EUR, ETH, BTC.
You can easily exchange TOMO on the Changelly platform. Changelly performs fast and efficient currency exchange between cryptocurrency exchanges.
So, after registration on the Changelly website it is necessary to pass the AML/KYC procedure, thanks to which investors’ funds are reliably protected from various fraudsters.
The registration procedure is standard and fast, just a few minutes. Once registered on the Challenge platform, a cryptocurrency investor becomes a regular customer of the cryptocurrency exchange service and exchanges currencies without restrictions.
Then it is necessary to replenish your Changelly account with the necessary amount of money (dollars or euros) using a Visa card and exchange it for Civic. Then you can exchange it for TomoCoin.
The exchange fee is 0.25 percent along with the network fee. However, the purchase of TOMO coins via transfer currency is allowed in case the purchase of TOMO coins is not possible otherwise.
How to sell TomoCoin (TOMO)
How can you sell TomoCoin (TOMO)? The algorithm of selling tokens is similar to the algorithm of buying. You should only apply it in reverse order.